11 June 2009

Skywatch Friday: Stormy Idaho Skies

On a trip a few hours West to visit friends in Idaho last week, we encountered a cold front on Monida Pass (between Montana and Idaho). Low clouds pressed down on the hills:

The afternoon sun rapidly built up towering thunderheads:

Whatever goes up, must come down--by the time we got to the Snake River Plain, rain poured forth:

On our homeward journey over Monida Pass, fresh snow blanketed the hills:


Rob Ripma said...

Wow, they are all great shots but my favorite is the second one!

Anonymous said...

Not just big sky- majestic sky!
I like them all.

The Crow said...

Just imagine - those mountains would likely float awawy if it weren't for those clouds keeping them in place!

So glad you had your camera along with you on your journey.


Eric(NL) said...

WOW, the third picture is stunning!!! TOP photo!!!

Have a nice Skywatch Friday!!

Greetings from the NL

Anonymous said...

F A N T A B U L O U S Shots - Absolutely gorgeous & breathtaking!

Barb said...

These are beautiful sky shots both going and coming home. Weather sure has been changeable here in the Rockies!

Guy D said...

These are excellent, the last one is my favourite.

Have a great weekend
Regina In Pictures

Janie said...

Beautiful clouds and great shot of the rain coming down. Guess you'll have to wait awhile longer to get up into that high country. With the cool temperatures we've been having, the snow won't melt quickly.

Cutthroat Stalker (Scott C) said...

Most excellent shots!

That's been about the only redeeming value in this bizarre weather we've been having down here--great looking clouds (OK, we can always use the moisture). But we're kind of getting sick of them. Usually by now, we're high and dry. I bet we haven't had more than a couple of days over 70 this year. Your forecast is for the mid-70's for the next three days, ours is 61, 65, 69 and rain every day. What's up with that? Is this monsoonal moisture making it up your way too, or are you having a fairly typical late spring/almost summer?

Thanks for sharing your nephological skills via pictures.

gary said...

We live in great country don't we. I never tire of the mountains and their continual changing. Cloud formations were great that day!

B SQUARED said...

The distance in your shots is amazing. Looking at the ocean here, you don't get the same sense.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

ER: I love them all but that second one looks like you have faces watching you proceed into the mountains. They thought you deserved a little water.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Eco, Is that one of those passes that are impassible in the winter????? Bet they are!!!

Great pictures of the sky... Love the next to the last one--showing the rain. Amazing!!!

Gaelyn said...

That was stunning. Excellent post and captures.

Sanna said...

Great photos and wonderful landscape as always! =)

Anonymous said...

All of these pics are outstanding...My fave is the second shot! Have a great weekend :)

Naturegirl said...

Spectacular images!! WOW!

SaraG said...

WOW, awesome awesome photo's!!
Thanks for sharing.
Happy SWF

Arija said...

Love all your shots, they are all spectacular but the rain shot really resonates with me. It is pouring here at the moment.

at the cottage said...

Beautiful photos. I love watching the clouds.

Thanks for sharing.

Unseen India Tours said...

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Lisa Wilson said...

Those are some crazy clouds!! I like the shot of the rain, too.