We packed the tent and headed to a nearby campground at the edge of the Pintler Wilderness. Turn here:
Common Paintbrush (Castelleja miniata) lit up the roadside:
Interspersed within, the occasional -- and very whimsical -- Elephanthead (Pedicularis groenlandica):
At the campground, we were welcomed by lupines no mortal landscaper could improve (cf. Solomon's altar of unhewn stone):
After setting up camp, we took a short hike. As I waded into an elderberry bush with MollyTheDog for this photo (Sambucus sp):
MTD spooked a creature from nearby brush that we first thought to be a squirrel. But no, it was a pine marten!:
One of the most insatiably curious creatures on the planet--if you stay still and appear non-threatening (and perhaps make a few squirrel calls--they eat pine squirrels), they simply must get another look at you (thought they seldom hold still for a photo):
On next day's hike up into the wilderness, we were greeted by many early summer wildflowers, including--
A meadow of Western Groundsel (Senecio integrrimus), which attracted innumerable butterflies. I was able to stalk a few for decent photos:
Trapper's Tea (Ledum glandulosum; a soothing tonic, but the alkaloids can be poisonous):
Rosy Pussytoes (Antennaria microphylla):
Heartleaf Arnica (Arnica cordifolia; flowers make an excellent antibiotic salve):
Pygmy Bitterroot (Lewisia pygmaea):
Aster (Aster sp):
Beautiful but lethal Mountain Death Camas (Zigaenus elegans; Indians would sometimes accidentally dig them along with tasty Blue Camas):
Western Meadow Rue (Thalictum occidentale):
And the cottony blossoms of a Willow (Salix sp -- maybe lasiandra?):
After a few days of quietude, hordes of mosquitoes, and an ear-splitting mountain thunderstorm or two, we were ready for the tailend of the July 4th holiday in Butte, Montana: bring on the skyrockets, oh little children of the 'hood.
Thanks for the highcountry wildflowers! It has been ages since I saw the Pintlers in early summer.
Did you hike to upper Seymore? IT is one of my favorite lakes.
Beautiful area for camping, ER. And those wildflowers are gorgeous!!!!
Have a great day/weekend.
One night of fireworks is plenty, so you were wise to retreat to the wilderness beforehand!
Your wildflower photos are beautiful.
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