08 January 2007

Chokecherry Jelly (poem)

Chokecherry Jelly

Brent scouting a place where elk hide,

along the river finds chokecherry paradise,

slick leaves hording sunshine.

Spring's profusion of blossoms scent the air,

bring joy to humble bees and European cousins,

they feast on sun's nectar.

Late summer fruit hangs on branches heavy,

tart fruit that puckers the mouth,

shocking flavor rocks you off balance.

Fruit that brings joy to Native Peoples and European cousins,

they feast on sun's essence.

Lewis & Clark & Sacagawea knew this joy,

knew this medicine that moves through all things.

Karina too knows as Brent drives up,

pick-up bed packed high,

hours then in kitchen mashing cherries, straining stones,

standing over steaming pots air thick with pungent sunshine.

Adler and Kenia know this joy,

hunched to table gobbling stacks of flapjacks

smeared with chokecherry jelly--

a child's first taste of sunshine.

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