26 January 2007

The Moulton Journal: a double day

Well, gee. I was on the snow early for a quick Yankee Boy/Big Nipper run so I could be waiting in the parking lot by 9:30 am. This morning was PTC ski day--fellowship time for faculty and grad candidates in my dept. But only Lori (my grad candidate who is working on a web-based hospital emergency room rape evidence certification course) showed up. She is an accomplished skier, so we did the Yankee/Nipper run with a Sluice Box chaser.
[photo above: Lori zooming down Widow Maker; RTD trying to keep up]

Afterwards, sitting down over a coffee and bagel at the Blue Venus, it felt like the good morning it was. Poor old RTD can barely move. Lori has a young Kelpie that she calls a "50 click" dog--aptly termed for its ability to herd sheep all day long over 50 kilometers of trail. Kelpie ran five K for every one of ours, and she was still rearing to go when we got back to the Rover. RTD is now about 9 years old, and I'd forgotten what young dogs are like. She was one, once. And so was I...

[photo above: Lori gliding across the meadow between Amalgamation Junction and Sluice Box; Kelpie in the lead (she had already ran down ahead of me, and then ran back up to escort Lori)]

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