07 January 2008

The Moulton Journal: Where's the Snow?

Paul Sawyer has been doing an outstanding job of grooming the Moulton ski trails this winter, and they are in great shape. All things considered. Since Christmas, there just hasn't been much snow. We get the occaisonal inch or so, but for the most part, it's as if SnowMoses has been standing in the center of Butte, parting the clouds as they approach the headwaters and the Continental Divide.

No tracks on this trail since it was groomed on Saturday? That calls for another loop around:

It was a strange morning this: about 15 deg F at Walkerville, but near zero when I skied up the road from the Moulton parking lot. And nearly two hours later when I skied back down to the truck, it was about -5. Slow going, since I had waxed Extra Blue at the house and was too lazy to cork in some Green over the top of it. Oh well, a ski is like an orgasm--it's hard to have a bad one.

Speaking of which, Paul made a couple of runs around The Yankee Boy to pack it. Come a little fresh snow, and the best trail on the best ski area will be in business:

Somebody skied Buzzy recently, but -- given the tail's difficulty and chance of a big wipe out -- I hold off on that one until there's a little more snow. I don't know how many years are in these knees, and I'd like to last awhile.

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