07 March 2008

Montana Tech at the Movies: Film by Deric Olsen

Montanans, Butte residents, and even our faculty & students do not always appreciate the diversity of Montana Tech. In addition to old heritage progams such as Mining Engineering, Tech is also about communication studies, the natural sciences, and progressive technical programs such as environmental engineering.

We are a diverse bunch. Even here in the Professional & Technical Communication Department, there is Chad Okrusch and his original folks music, Dave Carter and his gift for photography, Henrietta Shirk with her work on the history of women in botany, and my (some say rabid) environmentalism.

And our newest faculty member, Deric Olsen, has just released a film: The Phoenix Agenda is set to premiere at 8:00 p.m., Monday, 10 March at the Montana Tech Library Auditorium. And it's free:

The Phoenix Agenda was directed by Deric Olsen as part of his work for the MFA in Media Production and Studies with the University of Regina.

From the Media Release for the movie:

“THE PHOENIX AGENDA” is about a counter-terrorism agent named Ryan Burke who must track down a hacker who calls himself “The Phoenix” who he believes is a critical component in an impending terrorist attack in North America. As the events unfold, both Ryan and the hacker finds themselves caught in a web of ever changing alliances, with no time, no way out and no way to know who they can really trust.

"I’m so pleased that Montana Tech is hosting this unique event here in Butte,” said Producer / Director Deric Olsen. "I’m very proud to be part of this institution as a faculty member and to be able to show the city of Butte some of my creative work is a wonderful opportunity. Like most films, getting this movie made and ready for an audience has been a labor of love. I have a real passion for storytelling and for talking about this amazing art form I get to take part in so I hope that everyone can come out and we can enjoy a night of cinema together."

See you at the movies!

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