16 February 2009

The Moulton Angel

Well, after blogging The Moulton Demon, what could I do? I am trapped in the structural symmetry of Yin and Yang...

But it was a suprise, just one day after sighting The Demon, to flush two Spruce Grouse as I was skiing down Moonlight Flat toward Claimjumper. Not quick enough to wingshoot them (you bird hunters will know what I mean), I found the place under a lodgepole pine where they took flight:

Angel wings. The world is balanced now and I feel much better.

Not too good, though, as I'm always a little nervous when the Moose people are about (they can be downright irascible about dogs and skiers on their turf). Luckily, this one kept to his browsing, barely taking notice of RTD and I:

A beautiful morning with good snow on or off piste, I could have stayed out touring all day. Well, not THIS day. Wouldn't want to miss closing time at the local florist, with a certain Mrs. EcoRover in mind:


The Moulton: Montana's finest cross country ski trails. Just five miles north of Butte America.


  1. I love, love, love the angel wings. Anytime I see something like that, I'm reminded of how every part of the world is beautiful and unique.

  2. I've got to get myself a digital camera, that's all there is to it. Love your photos! We used to hear a ruffed grouse drumming out back, but we haven't heard his drumming in years... Does your cat eat roses like mine do?

  3. THW, I do my best to remember the special moments.

    DP, to walk (or ski) in nature is to walk in truth, beauty, and grace--it amazes me that some folks can go out there & just "tear it up" without appreciating it.

    Deedee, a digital camera changed how I see & think about the world. As for the drumming grouse, I am SURE that is what Thoreau had in mind when he talked about "marching to the beat of a different drummer..." Our cat browses on just about every plant she can get at, including roses!

  4. The one and only time ever I tried to make angel wings was when my college roommate tried to show me how... I fell backward, trustingly, and nearly fractured my skull as I found out we were on a parking lot covered with only about an inch of snow over asphalt...

    Your picture is stunning and pure delight as a moment of natural beauty not normally viewed by mere mortals
