30 April 2009

Skywatch Friday: Spring Snow, BE GONE!

In Montana's Northern Rockies at 6,000 feet, spring comes in fits and starts.

Morning dawns on Big Butte just west of our house in Walkerville, Montana. Oh brother, here it is late April and another snowstorm:

RolyTheDog, fetching the paper, finds that her old legs slip easily on the icy sidewalk:

Let's leave the Landie in its parking place and walk to work this morning:

A chilly 18 degress Fahrenheit, but the frost crystals on an old grass stem are lovely:

By early afternoon, the low sky began to lift (view over Immaculate Conception Church in uptown Butte):

And by late afternoon the occasional "sun hole" began to appear (Big Butte, with the "Big M"):

Come sunset, we knew a sunny day would follow (view northeast from Walkerville):

And it did (view southeast over the town of Butte from Montana Tech college):


  1. Oh my gosh! No! Snow this time of year - and I thought we had it bad here in Canada. It's a springy rainy day today.

    Great photos :)

  2. Wow it was over 90F in Texas this weekend. I'll trade you. I love the big montana sky I also like snow. Great pics.

  3. Great photographs. Spring has sprung already in OK.

  4. What a lovely Sky Watch! Your ice crystals are wonderful. Your landscape (snow) looks a lot like mine in Breckenridge, CO. Will spring ever arrive for good?

  5. I love Montana, wish my husband did. It sooo beautiful anytime of the year.

  6. Oh my word!! Brrrr....I don't think I could handle ((((snow)))) in April!!!
    Great photos even though I'm freezing just looking at them!! Stay warm!

  7. Great shots with beautiful skies...love the mountains and the ice crystals...Montana is so beautiful...

  8. That is quite a transition in one day.

  9. so enjoyed your snow series...beautiful shots. the ice on the grass...wow.
    the beautiful blue sky in the last shot...gorgeous.

    have a wonderful weekend.

  10. One day of snowstorm followed by one day of blue sky. NOt a bad ratio. 18 degrees must have felt a little chilly in late April!
    I like the frost on the grass stem.

  11. Your first image of snow on the mountain was so beautiful I was almost jealous. Your overall weather is such an adventure!

  12. Wow, spring is a little different everywhere! Great photos, happy SWF!

  13. I know your tired of the snow but I do enjoy seeing your marvelous photos.
    Our snow always melts on the way down!
    I live in sunny Florida:)

  14. WOW, you truly did have snow! My my my to match your "oh brother". Still nice pics. Of course I loved the icy frost shot.... wishing you flowers.
    We did not get the snow you got up in the NW. But we did get wind that blew trees over. I had to find help just to get home because of downed trees blocking the road.

  15. I hope you have many more sun holes and no more snow!! Ack I'm so sick of snow.

  16. I had to come over for my picture fix - you make "cold" look so beautiful. The crystals on the grass look magical.

    We are having heavy rain, after last weeks scorching ... crazy weather out here in California.

  17. It all looks so wonderful but I can understand you wanting the snow to be gone! Lovely ice crystals.

  18. Montana you gotta love it. Got caught in a snowstorm on Swan Creek in the Gallatin Valley once.

  19. Fits and starts? It kind of looks like pure winter to me!

  20. DM, at 6,000 feet we can get any sort of weather most any day.

    James, we might see a few days of 90+ weather, but not many. No deal on that trade.

    Hi Yogi, well, it's springtime in the Rockies, too.

    This is a cool spring so far, Barb.

    Hope you can visit, Judi.

    Thanks, Naturegirl--there's no weather so cold that another layer of clothing and a pint at the brewpub can't cure.

    Thank you, Carol--we are fortunate to be surrounded by such beauty.

    Thanks Erin and B2.

    You're totally right, Janie--I like that formula.

    CountryDreaming, life IS an adventure.

    LarryD, spring is a little different every hour here!

    Thanks, Pam. One more storm like last week and I'll be ready to visit you.

    Tammie Lee, as Rosanne Rosanna-Danna said, "It's always something..."

    Lisa, here's to a long, pleasant summer.

    TSDuff, I'm really looking forward to our first spring rain.

    Well, Gennassus, it's like this...

    We do love it, TroutBirder--spring snow and all. Hope you can visit again.

    We do have a few days of sunshine, Citizen!
