17 April 2009

Skywatch Friday, Springtime in the Rockies: Day-to-Day Skies

Springtime in the norther Rocky Mountains near Butte, Montana. The sky changes with the new season.

A blue bird day with clear, sunny skies:

Next day, a weather front moving in:

And a snowstorm:

Then a brilliant sunset, fair promise of better weather:


  1. Great photos!! Looks like a wonderful place to live and I especially love the changing weather. I enjoyed all the photos in your blog but really loved the ones of your hike in Big Hole River. Looks like my kind of hike!!!! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Big changes, but beautiful photos. I like the blue sky over the snow-covered mountains, and that sunset is great.

  3. the colors in your last picture are breathtaking. You live in beautiful countryside.

  4. May your promised better weather come. Your "bluebird day" was gorgeous!

  5. ER: Spring is coming, just very slowly. Really neat SWF, thanks for sharing your great skies.
    I hope you let me know when you post the Osprey/Trout photos.

  6. Those are great pictures and familiar scenes in this neck of the woods as well.

    Thanks for your comments. I guess I need to look up neo-Kantian transcendalists! So many things to think about, so little time......

  7. Today we had temos in the 70's and one of those clear bright blue skies that almost don't look real. Heavenly.

  8. I of course loved your weather front and snowstorm scenes the best. The twilight view has a nice abstract/surreal feel. Today was a beautiful day out of the blue clear sky here in Ohio too with pleasant temps ... and I spent it inside attending a technical writing training course on RoboHelp. Great shots to document the changeability of your weather with a season in flux.

  9. Beautiful photographs, especially of the front moving in!

  10. You have some interesting pics and info on your blog ER. I especially like the colors in the lichen and your sunrise and sunsets.

  11. Lovely series of contrasts, and a beautiful sunset to end with.
