21 May 2009

Skywatch Friday: A Montana Week of Weather

Mrs ER & I took a hike in the hills of the lower Big Hole River (just south of Butte Montana), and caught this "mare's tail" cloud in a brilliant blue sky [click to enlarge this and other photos]:

We've had some weather this week, as shown by these ominous storm clouds rolling in while friend Dave & I were hiking:

It's mostly been "bluebird days," though (literally, as with this happy blue bird behind our house in Walkerville):

We've been touched with sadness, too. Early one morning, I went out into the hills and dug a grave after our faithful old friend, RolyTheDog, died:


  1. Roly has been laid to rest in a beautiful place, well remembered by his family. Beautiful views, whether clear or cloudy.

  2. I love those Montana skies, great shots.

    Have a great weekend.
    Regina In Pictures

  3. Fabulous mares' tails. Beautiful skies with you.

  4. Great views. Sorry about Roly but his final resting place is great.

  5. A beautiful sky awaits Roly. There is a special place in heaven for all dogs.

  6. Great sky shots, all of them...beautiful mountains...

  7. Condolences to you & Family for the loss of Roly. Though your skies are beautiful, I'm sure your hearts are heavy.

  8. Hi! Beautiful post... love the bluebird... It's out state bird (NY) but we hardly see them! So sorry about Roly... he was surely well loved and loved well ~

  9. I love Montana Skies! We were out there in 04' and I haven't found a way yet to convince mt.man we should live out there! Great Photo's, the last one is my fave! :) Happy Friday!

  10. Your skies truly are 'bluebird' skies. And--having bluebirds nesting nearby---well, it doesn't get much better than that!!!

    So sorry about Roly..

  11. They dont't call it big sky country for nothing. Great skys.

  12. In so many ways your week looks wonderful. Still, I am sorry for your lose of your good friend~

  13. More beautiful Montana skies, and my first sight of a bluebird. So sorry about your faithful dog. The post about him was so touching. A blogger I follow in Finland has just lost her dog - http://luontofriikki.blogspot.com/ and posted a beautiful tribute too.

  14. Wow, that photo with the fence is stunning. I love the way the sky runs right down to the ground out there.
    So sorry to read about your good friend Roly passing.

  15. Cool clod formation, and I always love to see cheerful little bluebirds.

  16. ER: I loved the first and last sky shots beat. Those wispy clouds were cool and the scene in the last one was so neat.

  17. Great pictures, erratic weather and a sad day when you had to busy Roly. At least you are surrounded by the beauty of nature. It always soothes me when I'm feeling blue.

  18. Beautiful skies! Watch out for lightening! You picked a beautiful spot for Roly.

  19. Sorry about Roly. I know how hard it is losing a faithful friend like that.

    Very nice photos of the Montana sky.

  20. I love the first shot with the ruffled feathers of cloud forming a crest on the hill.

  21. Lovely shots. The surrounding landscape is equally beautiful.

    I am so sorry for your loss. Our pets can become so much a part of our families.

  22. Beautiful photos !!

    What a wonderful place to lay Roly to rest...

  23. We've been having similar skies here in the Mission Valley but I think we're warmer than are you in Butteland. Great shots which convey that open sky well. I hope your hearts are lighter this week.

  24. Thank you all, for your good comments and kind words about RolyTheDog. The mortality (and shorter lifespan) of our companion pets is a lesson for us, for we must all walk that road.
