31 July 2009

Flyfishing Montana's Big Hole River

Some great angler once wrote, "A day spent fishing does not count against the length of a man's life." Or maybe it was, "Each day spent fishing adds a day...?" At any rate, had another great morning (with that new rod--THANKS, DON!) on the Big Hole River, a half-hour south of Butte America:

The morning was cool with a few light showers, and big brown trout were hitting stonefly nymphs hard: a perfect morning for Charlie Brook's short-line, "high stick" method of nymphing. From mid-morning to noon, the dry fly fishing was red hot for smallish (12") rainbow trout & browns. Meanwhile, Molly The Dog was hard at work fighting a strange, twisted willow stump and working over a deer leg (somehow, she consistently manages to find one):

Luckily, she is not a deer chaser. Still these mule deer fawns thought "Yikes!" when they saw us:

Luckily, the mother deer was there to save them (note her longish white tail -- maybe a mulie/whitetail hybrid -- they're fairly common):

Alas, though the fishing was still great, I had to leave the river at noon and go to work. Oh, right, that's why they call it work.

On the short hike back up a steep bank to the truck, I saw a beetle and was reminded of the infamous words of evolutionary biologist J.S. Haldane when asked by a creationist, "What has the study of biology taught you about the Creator?" "I'm not sure," the good professor replied, "But he seems to be inordinately fond of beetles." Since he "created" so many species of them. Like this beauty:

Oh well, back to work. At least it's Brewpub Friday.


  1. Looks like that brown maybe hasn't dealt very well with a recent hooking.

  2. What a wild looking beetle... In the photo it looks like an eggplant next to two flowers!
    Love Molly's little adventures too!

  3. Fishing: It's getting to be a regular habit with you ;-) . Congrats on being able to get out and land a few.

  4. What a pity you had no time to roast some of those fish over a campfire for lunch. A great morning indeed.

  5. I am wondering if you have suggestions on loop hikes in the Anaconda pintlar wilderness? Also how bad ARE the mosquitos this time of year?

    We live in Whitefish an do a fair amount of backpacking but thought I would see what you might have to say?


    You can email me directly @ tjftag@yahoo.com

  6. What's that saying? A bad day fishing is better than a good day at work? At least you had a good morning of fishing! Great beetle too.

  7. Nice you could capture these fawns in the grass while fishing- really nice shots..with different types of flowers I see.
    you can see the floresent color of the head enlarged better. There was one I remember from Calif. (maybe a June bug) that was green all over?
    Cheers- Uh..Molly, the dear leg..check my post out- ha

  8. Beautiful fawn photos. I love that colorful beetle.
    Nice to get a morning on the river, even if cut a little short due to that dreadful necessity of making a living.

  9. That really is a beautiful beatle. Jewel-like.

  10. great photo detail! what make/model is your digi?
    how do u usually fish the Big Hole? float or walk?

  11. That beetle is very different from anything I have seen before! Lovely colours! Also love the rainbow in the next post!!

  12. Thank you all for the kind comments. I try to get back to you individually regarding any questions. - Pat

  13. Hi ecorover
    Nice photos and great script. I particularly loved the deer and the beautiful colorful beetle. Never been fishing though. Not a standard pastime/recreation in India. Must be a great experience though. Have a great day. Ram
