02 July 2009

Skywatch Friday: EcoRover sees a Big Apple sky

Living along the Continental Divide of the northern Rocky Mountains in Montana, I sometimes fall into thinking that nowhere else in the world has amazing, beautiful, and awe-inspiring sky. Yeah, I'm such a provincial. But willing to admit when I'm wrong. On a recent trip to Maine, we were grounded in New York City's JFK airport (FOUR HOURS sitting in the plane) while one of the fiercest thunderstorms I've ever seen in my life blew through. Here's an unretouched photo of that incredible NYC sky:



  1. I am LOVING this sky. It's the third time I've seen it so far in SkyWatch today. All different and all incredible. Sorry you were grounded, but I wouldn't have wanted to fly in that!

  2. Gorgeous colors... this time of sunset goes by so quickly, it's great when we can capture it.

  3. Beautiful sky. That is incredible. Happy Skywatch Friday.

  4. Wow, you'd never expect that in NYC! Awesome sky. Not for flying in though.

  5. Well Eco, I would never have expected to see that photo in NYC... Amazing!!!! We've all had some crazy weather this spring/summer. Right now, we are nearly PERFECT here in TN. The high today was 75 and tonight we'll go down into the 50's. Excellent sleeping weather.

    Hope you have a wonderful 4th.

  6. That is beautiful! Maybe that made up for the 4 hour wait on the tarmack.

  7. Wow, gorgeous fiery sky! Grounded 4 hrs...ugh.

  8. Mammatous clouds trail along with fierce winds, frequently are seen with tornado-producing systems. Gorgeous color in the sky.


  9. Wow! That is one incredible sky. Bet your glad in the long run you had to sit it out on tarmak instead of flying thru it. Great capture.

  10. Gorgeous!! Absolutely gorgeous!!

  11. Beautiful Sky !! This is such a wonderful photo !! Thanks for sharing the beauty..Do check my another blog also i.e.Unseen Rajasthan

  12. A similar photograph made Yahoo's Week in Pictures. See it here:

  13. That is amazing!! I wouldn't have expected something so beautiful there either. :)

  14. I love when the sky is red - seems almost end of timeish.

  15. Wow, what a great example of mama, or mamatus - fluid filled features that form underneath other cloud formations, probably a huge anviled-out cumulonimbus in this case. From the Latin for udder. They are especially striking when lit from the side by low sunlight. That looks like what's happening here. Thanks for sharing. Made my day.

  16. Incredible sky!! Glad you are safe, though, even if it did mean a 4 hour wait. When I saw the Crow's comment about these clouds being associated with tornadoes, I bet you are really glad you were on the ground, watching!
