05 November 2009

Skywatch Friday: The View from Elk Mountain

Skywatch Friday: It's elk season, which lasts 5 weeks and is like having a full-time second job. I'm GLAD to see Monday come so I can limp back to work for my 12-hour day of classes. In addition to a freezer full of antelope, white-tailed deer, mule deer, and elk (it's the only meat we eat), there is much more to hunting: a deep connection with nature, and experiencing the mountains from dawn to dusk.

Sunrise, Mt Haggin (near Anaconda, Montana) peeks out from a gray dawn:

Lunchtime at Elk Creek--under the warm sun clouds break up and give way to clear blue skies:

Moonrise, and it feels good to know the truck in only another half-mile or so down the valley:


These photographs are from both sides of the Continental Divide near Butte, Montana.


  1. ecorover-I agree there is something about being in nature from dawn til dusk. Great Shots, Thank You for Sharing, and Happy Friday!

  2. I love how the moon is perfectly placed between the red clouds...

    When our clouds here look like mountains, I think of people who really live with those views!

    How magnificent it must be!

  3. What lovely shots! The moon looks lovely!

  4. Having lived in Montana for 18 years and raised my family there, these shots have a particular meaning for me and they are lovely!

    Thanks for sharing! And have a great weekend!


  5. the first pic looks like the snow-capped mountain is being framed by the clouds. great shots! My skywatch is here

  6. Wonderful photos, I love them but the firs tis my favorite. Very pretty scene.

  7. Great skies, that moonrise is awesome!

  8. I cannot choose a favourite this time around! The colours of the sunset with the moon! The fluffy clouds in that intense blue sky! Or the mountaintop peaking through the clouds!

  9. Great photos.... magnificent scenery...and a stunning moonrise shot..

  10. Well at least you have the most beautiful scenery as you work so hard hunting! You must have a huge deep freezer!

  11. I've never been a hunter but I understand the part about wanting to be out doors as much as possible. Lovely,lovely shots.

  12. That bottom shot is very unusual, I love it. And the mountain in the first- do you ever get used to all that beauty?

    I don't hunt, but my 13 year old grandson and his father fill their freezer with moose, bear and deer up here in Maine. We used to have caribu, but they are long gone.

  13. i have to say they are all great photos but that last one is my favourite- it has a really eerie feel to it but beautiful at the same time.

  14. Your skies are gorgeous at every time of day.
    Don't exhaust yourself with the hunting. Sounds like you'll eat well even if you don't get an elk!

  15. Beautiful. I love it when there's a full moon out.
