03 December 2009

Skywatch Friday: Giving Thanks

It's a beautiful world and there is much to be thankful for. Sometimes, simply while walking home to Walkerville from the little college where I teach in Butte, Montana, I stand agape at our Big Sky. Looking south to the Highland Mountains, a colorful sunset begins to develop:

Within minutes, the sun touches the horizon, the colors deepen, and the sky is aflame:

Walking to work in the morning, a full moon sets into the Clark Fork River valley:

After a successful hunting season, MollyTheDog is thankful that we butcher our own meat. Just a year old, she wasn't quite sure what to do with that first massive elk bone:

But soon she was an old hand at it (and our yard began to look like some sort of bone cult had been meeting there):

This cow and calf moose are thankful that hunting season is over and they can lie out in the open and chew their cuds in peace:

We are also thankful for good people. The day after Thanksgiving, a group of friends gathered at Don & Andrea Stierle's cabin at The Moulton just north of Walkerville. The group included Bill Macgregor and his son Alex, so there was of course a bonfire:

We're having a dry winter and there's not enough snow for cross country skiing yet, but until then there's good food, close friends, and the warmth of a big fire:


  1. Beautiful Big Sky! And my Baron took one look at that elk bone and wants to move to Montana. :)

  2. What a tremendous series of photographs you have taken to illustrate your walk. Such a foreign pathway to someone used to an Australian landscape.

  3. They are all great photos of the Big sky, I love the photo of the moose.

  4. What a great selection of photos, I am so impressed.

    All the best
    Regina In Pictures

  5. It's good to hear from Butte, America (things have been a bit silent), ER! Great pics and wonderful things to be thankful for.

    It's funny, but when I read your opening paragraph, I read the word "agape" as the Greek word for love. And I thought how appropriate that you would stand there with that reverential/spiritual love for the skies surrounding you, since they are so awe-inspiring.

  6. Yes, giving thanks brings on a beautiful shift in the heart ~
    I encourage everyone to enlarge the photos... they are glorious!
    ~Happy Thanksgiving~

  7. Love those pictures, the dog had so much fun with the bone hehe, and yes if we are surrounded with loving people life is easy and fun. Happy weekend!

    My SkyWatchFriday-Sunset

  8. Great pictures of the skies and a bonus of your dog and the bones and a bonfire.

  9. You big, beautiful sky is certainly something to be thankful for. Great moon shot.
    Molly will have a supply of bones to last all winter, after all of your successful hunts.
    The bonfire looks like fun for all.

  10. ...and plenty to be truly thankful for.

  11. Beautiful skies! That's quite a bone for your dog. We also need snow. Hopefully this weekend!

  12. Breathtaking. And your puppy is so cute! Thank youf for sharing all the beauty.

  13. Molly looks happy, guess she figured out pretty fast what to do with that bone.

    When I first looked at the moose, I thought they were standing!

    I like the way your camera caught the flying ashes.
