18 February 2010

Olympic Skies

After Butte America's hometown boy, Bryon Wilson, won a bronze medal in the moguls, I've been looking up to Olympian Gods in our blue Montana skies. It's a wonder Wilson and others can ski on that stuff that passes for snow in Vancouver. We are surely spoiled by the fine powder ("cold smoke") here in the Rocky Mountains. And yes, they really are rocky:

The weather has returned to something close to normal, with clear cold (below 0 deg F) nights and sunny warm (c. 30 deg F) days. Here's MollyTheDog, with a white frosty beard on her jet black coat while skiing at first light:

In addition to my biathlon (wow, I like saying that word) play (see previous post), I also had the privilege of helping some kids on a ski outing with the Clark Fork Watershed Education Program:

They're not quite ready for the Olympics, but they sure had fun!

Return to SkyWatch Friday


  1. I do love Molly's beard! A smooth black coat is very different than a scruffy black coat, in more ways than one!

  2. The first picture is lovely! Strange though, I didn't realize that mogul racing was in powder! Really cute dog!

  3. You are so right about the snow differences from Vancouver B.C to Montana. those athletes are something special. Great to have local athletes do so well.

  4. Cute puppy dog and great photos!

  5. Wasn't that thrilling to see Bryon Wilson take on those moguls!?!

    I know what you mean about the weather in Vancouver... not the best conditions for the athletes!

    Molly must love the snow...
    I always enjoy your posts!
    ~ Have a great weekend~

  6. Cold smoke is it. I like that. Speaking of hometown heroes, I'm glad I can finally say I skied on the same ground as local heroine, Lindsey Vonn. And now she has something besides a swimsuit cover on Sports Illustrated to brag about.

  7. Beautiful. But I have to tell you that 30 in no way qualifies as "warm'> I think you meant to say "hellishly cold."
