25 March 2010

SkyWatch Friday: Springtime in the Rockies

After visiting Portland, Oregon, and taking in the working beauty of the Willamette River and its cool bridges (like this lift bridge):

I was happy to be home in Butte, Montana. Big Sky Country where the deer and pronghorn antelope (shown here) roam:

I even got in a few last days of cross country skiing before switching over to hiking & trout fishing (next blog entry). The mornings are still cold enough to draw tiny, delicate, dendritic ice crystals from the snow as the sun rises in clear, blue sky:


Martha Z said...

That's an amazing shot of the ice crystal. I've never seen a whole heard of pronghorn, just an occasional one or two from the car. I've never gotton a photo.

Maria said...

Everyone should enlarge the photos here! They are beautiful!
The antelope photo made me smile~ what great contrast with the crisp blue sky!
The ice crystals are incredible ~ It's one to just study and enjoy for a while.

"Home, home on the range,
Where the deer and the antelope play;
Where seldom is heard a discouraging word
And the skies are not cloudy all day.

{You may like this part of the ole song}

That I would not exchange my home on the range
For all of the cities so bright."

Have a great weekend!

Laura said...

All such wonderful images. The ice is stunning and the antelopes delightful. I so love skywatch traveling.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi ER, What a life...... Going cross-country skiing and trout fishing almost at the same time!!!! March must be a special month in Montana.

I'd love some of those delicious trout... YUM!!!

Eaglesbrother said...

Wonderful photographs...and you even caught the Antelope playing.

Pearl Maple said...

Images of the big sky country are so full of life, thanks for adding to the sky watch party

Pearl Maple said...

Images of the big sky country are so full of life, thanks for adding to the sky watch party

nonizamboni said...

Incredibly blue, blue skies! Love the pronghorn herd too. Thanks for sharing your part of the US.

Unknown said...

Wow that shot of the ice is stunning, but they're all very nice!

Jossie said...

Wonderful blue skies. The ice in the last picture looks zo fragile.

Light and Voices said...

Pronghorns and ice crystals posted on your skywatch post. Amazing photographs!
Joyce, IL, U.S.A.

~Cheryl said...

I do remember the bridges of Portland! You picked a neat one! Your ice crystal shot is amazing!

Hildred said...

Incredible picture, and beautiful rich blue background.

Loran said...

Antelope roam in these parts too. I love the ice crystal. We have those too.

Regina said...

Beautiful skies!
Great shots.

Tarun Mitra said...

last picture is really beautifull

Smalltown RN said...

Fantastic photos....I loved Montana the few times I have visited...very wide open spaces....a place where you can take in year round sport and activities.....

secret agent woman said...

Those ice crystals are amazing.

Kcalpesh said...

Your home town seems to be so beautiful! Awesome structure of that bridge looks doubly cool under the blue sky!

Pixellicious Photos

Anonymous said...

They are all great pictures. That ice crystal is amazing!