15 April 2010

Coppery Treasure: Skywatch Friday

It is true that in Montana, exactly as the song has it, seldom are the skies "cloudy all day." The change is abrupt, sometimes with storms clearing as quickly as they come:
Our spring weather pattern of snowstorm-followed-by-sunny-days has continued, but it's really spring now--even at 6,000 feet elevation along the spine of the North American continent. How do we know it's really spring? The snow -- like the six inches that came earlier this week -- is heavy and wet, very unlike our dry, powder snow of winter. On such days, it's hard to be at work for morning meetings and classes when the backcountry skiing is still so good.

But on sunny, warm days, it's also hard to be in my office instead of fishing on the river. Here's the view from a window down the hall--I don't think views like this make it any easier to be at work (view to Rampart Mountain/East Ridge of the Continental Divide overlooking Butte):
Mrs Rover and I appreciate the longer days. After supper, we walk MollyTheDog along the hill behind our home in Walkerville, taking in the coppery light (how appropriate for an old copper mining town!) of a sunset:

Return to SkyWatch Friday


  1. Like the sun just peeking from behind the mountain range.
    Sydney - City and Suburbs

  2. Marvelous captures, gorgeous skies! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  3. I haven't posted skies so to speak, but sunsets!

  4. Oh these photos are so great! I hope everyone is enlarging them... Butte Montana is so awesome {center pic}
    Your sunset photo is gorgeous!

    Yes, and the longer days make for wonderful evenings!
    Tonight, Chris and I wandered all over our Alma mater {U Albany} The magnolias and rhododendrons are gorgeous now ~ and they have really grown quite a bit since the '70's ...
    Have a great weekend! ~Maria

  5. What gorgeous sunsets you have. Blown off the Jefferson were you? I recall canoeing down the Missouri, I think it was from Holter dam? Big Sky - Big Wind Montana.

  6. I love your sunsets! You do have a little dusting left on the hills. After yesterday we lost our hillside snow. Wasn't it great to be in the sun? I give you permission to hold classes outside.

  7. Lovely shots from a lovely day! Thanks for sharing!

    Pixellicious Photos

  8. Hi, Thanks for stopping by, and prompting me to visit!..... I can understand your pain at being restricted to views, but feel lucky that you have such special views to share!... love your skies and scenary....:)

  9. What a variety of shots! Love that copper mining town. It looks so picturesque. Thanks for stopping by my Seattle post.

  10. I'm a big skywatcher, too - so much shifting beauty.

  11. Wow---it would be very hard being INSIDE on a gorgeous day in Montana.... Your pictures are fabulous, ER....
