01 April 2010

Skywatch Friday: Raven Calls the Storm

Raven is a powerful force in the Northern Rocky Mountains around Butte, Montana. When I heard Raven calling, I climbed the hill out back to see what all the fuss was about. Raven was hungry and not yet ready to let go of Winter-That-Kills. Raven called, "Slippery highways, road kill! Snow covered range, starvation! Bring it on!" In a bright blue sky, Raven quorked & pleaded:

Out to the West, Storm Cloud too heard Raven's call and rolled up the valley to see what all the fuss was about:

In answer to Raven's cries, Storm Cloud dumped snow on the land, and Raven chortled:

The next morning, MollyTheDog (her father was a Raven who left her a fine, black coat) said, "Let's go for a ski!":

Return to SkyWatch Friday


Quiet Paths said...

Fantastic blue. We must have been snapping photos at the same time... I really like the dog up to its shoulders in snow.

Laura said...

Beautiful skies!

Lucy said...

A rut's as good a place as any to lie down! Obviously made for that purpose!

Maria said...

Wow... that is some blue sky!
and that is quite a storm front!
and Molly is quite a fine dog!

I'm taking some long looks at my little, little juncos who will be gone to cooler places soon... One of the little blessings of winter~

Have a wonderful weekend!

secret agent woman said...

That's funny - I just posted about our 80-degree day!

LadyFi said...

Amazing shots! Winter is having a hard time letting go here too...

Powell River Books said...

What fun. We didn't get hardly any snow this winter. I really missed it, except for the driving part. - Margy

Martha Z said...

Great post. Love the way you captured the raven in the corner and I never met a dor that didn't like to frolic in the snow.
To expand on your comment, private land can be a good thing as long as the owners are good stewards. From what I saw I would give them a B+.

Laura said...

Hi, I wanted to say thanks for stopping by my sliver of light blog and for your thoughtful comment...if you want to see my sky photos you can stop by http://orli-shines.blogspot.com

have a wonderful weekend.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Wow---blue sky, clouds, and snow---all in the same post... Welcome to Montana... Right?????? ha

Have a blessed Easter weekend.

Light and Voices said...

Thanks for your kind comments. Happy Holidays!
Joyce M

Regina said...

Awesome skies and captures.
Happy weekend and a blessed Easter.

Anonymous said...

Goegeous! Love the dog picture :)