17 June 2010

Skywatch Friday: Low Mountain Skies

Ah, life in the Montana mountains. One day, the sky is endlessly deep, and so blue it makes you ache:

The next day the sky moves low, and the rain (or snow, if you're just a few hundred feet above Butte) is so cold it makes you ache:

Rain or shine, there are still those moments in the day when the beauty of it all takes your breath away:


  1. Such beautiful Montana skies - all so different, but equally as beautiful. Have a great weekend :)

  2. Spectacular views! So many changing skies!

  3. I know the feeling! Beautiful photos!

  4. I keep meaning to pick some dandelion greens, but I'd have to make them without bacon.

  5. Obviously that was meant for the precious post.

  6. No matter the weather, the mountains and sky are always beautiful. Lovely photos.

  7. Big sky country indeed. I really like those penstemon... and that cast iron frying pan. What Montana memories I can see in the bottom of mine. "That black dirty ugly old thing" according to Mrs. T. How misguided.

  8. a wonderful series of photos, and great to see your neck of the woods.

  9. I drove through Montana many years ago and remember thinking, my god, the sky is HUGE - no wonder it is called Big Sky country!
    - The Equestrian Vagabond

  10. Beautiful scenes. Regarding your question on my post today. Darling Harbour is named after Lieutenant-General Ralph Darling, who was Governor of our state of New South Wales from 1825 to 1831. I've never heard of Ding Darling before.
    Sydney - City and Suburbs

  11. You're lucky to be living in such a gorgeous place! Variety of clouds is something you'd love to see every day...

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