03 June 2010

SkyWatch Friday: Montana Spring

Montana skies along our corner of the Continental Divide near Butte have been rainy, whether on the West Slope (view east from Walkerville at sunset):

Or on the the East Slope (view from Nez Perce Battlefield in the upper Big Hole River Valley):

Rainy & cool, but the spring wildflowers are LOVING it.


  1. Montana skies without a doubt! Marvelous post! Thank you! It brought back many memories! Hope you have a great weekend! Enjoy!


  2. We have hot springs in New Zealand. if Montana is not so far away. we could go hiking toegther. I will bring lunch." beef tendon" lol

    The clouds are very low, does it mean you will ahve rain?

    Thanks for visting. How do you cook your tendon with beans?

  3. Gorgeous photos again! What are the tee-pee things in the second photo? Thanks for visiting me. Glad Mrs EcoRover likes my piano bench - when are you making her one!!

  4. Hi Eco molto belle queste foto, ed interessente ciò che scrivi degli indiani.
    Triste storia per l'America la cacciata degli indiani d'America.
    Grazie della visita :-)
    Happy we.

  5. Lovely skywatch photos! Montana is a beautiful state and one of my favorite places to visit.

  6. we haven't had much rain, but the spring has been cooler than average. Your Montana skies are beautiful, rain or shine.

  7. Beautifully dramatic clouds in the sky! Awesome captures!

    Pixellicious Photos

  8. same weather here in southern idaho. our wildflowers are loving it, and so am I!! (when it gets above 75* I start to whine...)
    - The Equestrian Vagabond
