28 June 2010

Skywatch Friday: Montana Summer at last

Our season is running right on the clock this year: winter it was seldome above freezing with alternating blue skies & snow storms; spring was below freezing at night & above during the day with cloudy skies bringing snow or rain most every day; and now summer with bluebird skies &  the occasional thunderstorm.

Mornings begin clear, clouds build in the afternoon (view to Granite Peak in the Pioneer Mountains south of Butte, Montana):

Fed by updrafts from the warm sun, clouds build into thunderheads:

Showers come:

Clouds pass to the east, the sun shines in from the west, and a rainbow lights up the sky:

By sunset, there are just enough clouds around for brilliant colors:

Goodnight moon:


  1. You have beautiful skies at every time of day, in every season. I love the rainbow and the moon shot.

  2. Goodnight moon, goodnight room, goodnight bears, goodnight chairs, goodnight cow jumping over the moon.

  3. goodnight salmon flies, goodnight skies, goodnight Pit, goodnight lilac thicket, goodnight flyfisher tossing dries

  4. So many different cloudscapes in your summer day.

  5. Fabulous contrasts and colours. These pictures are exactly why we love our big skies.

  6. Wonderful shots ER. Each so different but all just as beautiful as each other :)

  7. nice summer... i miss summer now lol... we have winter in NZ now
