02 September 2010

Skwatch Friday: Mountain Snow

The beautiful weather and clear skies of the past weeks made for good hiking & outdoor activities, but it takes weather to make a beautiful sky. This week, a cold front moved in, with stormy skies in the upper Clark Fork River of southwest Montana:

Temperatures plummeted to below freezing and though there was snow in town (Butte is about 6,000 feet elevation), the Highland Mountains south of town received a frosty coating of white:

Clouds lingered a few days, along with bracingly cool temperatures:

Happily, sunny warm skies are predicted for the upcoming holiday weekend. Let'g go camping!


  1. You're getting an early start on snow! We've had some cool weather in the mountains and a frost when we were camping at 9500 feet. September is a glorious time to be in the mountains. Happy camping!

  2. Great shots - out views of the mountains were snow-capped yesterday. Too soon, she cries!

  3. Beautiful scenery.
    But... snow?!

  4. Oh my, there's already snow falling there? It seems like I remember snow falling here on Halloween one time, but that was a fluke thing... it usually doesn't start around here til Jan... Thank GOD!!!
    The skies sure are beautiful in your photos!!! I love it in Montana

  5. Snow - already! Great shots, if a little cold.

  6. Hi!
    Wow ~ great photo of that mountain snow!
    a sight for sore eyes after a week in the 90's!
    I'm looking forward to the cooler temps they're predicting!

    Thanks for the visit and the song ~
    I enjoyed listening to Nanci Griffith's sweet voice ~ great lyrics too:

    "He says with his feet on the ground
    He'd have nothin' to say
    Claims he likes it up there
    And he'll only come down in the rain"

    love that part!
    Have a happy and long weekend!

  7. Snow???? My My My... It was 90 degrees here yesterday...Think I'm living in the wrong state... ha ha

    Enjoy your camping and take lots of pictures.

  8. Thanks for your comment, Pat. Sure, give me a call regarding the moose hauling.

  9. Amazing skies!
    Happy SWF. Enjoy your weekend.

  10. Beautiful. We're having a cold snap, too - it's only supposed to reach 78 today. Brrr. :-)

  11. Great clouds over beautiful mountain!
    Have a happy weekend:-)

  12. That is so lovely. Is it time for snow there? We are just getting over a heat wave.

  13. That is so lovely. Is it time for snow there? We are just getting over a heat wave.
