24 February 2011

Moonlight Ski

A week ago, Don & Andrea Stierle hosted a full moon ski party at their cabin at The Moulton. A dozen or so hearty souls turned out, snowshoeing or skiing their way to the cabin from the parking lot a half-mile below. The night began inauspiciously with snow and a heavy cloud cover. After a potluck feast and a cup or two of IPA from the Quarry Brewpub, the sky cleared and moonlight reflected from the snowy hills.

Those more familiar with the trails led without headlamps, followed by a string of bobbing lights behind them:

Some young people on snowshoes can go about as fast as some "old" people on skis!:

MollyTheDog was dwarfed in size by her new friend, a Bernese Mountain Dog, but she more than made up for it with her usual spunk as the two romped around-and-around:

Meanwhile, some kids got a peaceful nap:

All too soon it was time to gather up the leftovers, wake the kids from their slumber, zoom down the trail, and drive home. Everyone slept well that night!


The Moulton: Montana's finest classic cross country ski trails.

1 comment:

  1. I've done some moonlight hiking and riding, but never a moonlit ski trip. I can see it's a must. Looks like all had a good time.
