09 March 2011

Avenue Q comes to Butte America

Jan & I have for many years subscribed to season tickets for the theater series at Butte Montana's Mother Lode Theatre. It's a grand old 1,200-seat theater, built in 1923 and restored in 1996:

The musical Avenue Q was in town this week. It's a remarkable show--see it if you can. All the themes of the late-boomer/Sesame Street generation are there, including racism, being gay and out, homelessness, unemployment, and our search for purpose.

Think of it as a grown up version of Sesame Street, with all the disillusionment that comes with growing up as well as the continuing search for fulfillment (yes "purpose," as the show puts it!). Here's the cast (note that some of the human actors have changed):

The traveling troupe includes several outstanding talents such as Ashley Eileen Bucknam. She sang an amazing (and breathtaking, at our 6,000 foot elevation) solo duet (?) between the young, coming-of-age teacher Kate Monster (shown here):

And the sexy, temptress showgirl Lucy:

Here are a few YouTube clips of Ave Q productions to check out:
"Everyone's a little bit racist"
"The internet is for porn"
"Sucks to be me"

To those of you in, ah, more urban areas, Avenue Q is old news. To those of us in the hinterland, however, it's, well, like seeing it for the first time!

[Disclaimer: except for the theatre pic, the images on this post are from various Ave Q publicity sites]


  1. That's one of the best shots of the Theater I've seen. A fine day, good sun, excellent vantage.

  2. Nice post, Pat. Emily and I saw the play in NYC in 2004 or 2005, it was great. We saw something like 6 plays in 5 days, and this one was right up there with Rent.

  3. How interesting Pat. This generational stuff leaves me...er puzzled at times. Barb and I are big "rural" theatre goers here in the hinterland. Jon Hassler's rural American, for one in Plainview. He taught my eldest at St. Johns. Of course, for the big city stuff, we go to Rochester. :)

  4. Even those of us in the hinterlands enjoy good theatre once in a while, even if it gets here a little (of a lot) later than in urban areas.
