14 July 2011

Skywatch Friday: Hot Montana Rainbows

I love my fellow Butteians and their sense of weather. No complaints on the -30 deg F day when the air is calm and the sky so bright it hurts your eyes. No complaints on the 15th consecutive day of cold June rain. But, but but but: first July day it hits 80 deg F and everyone you meet complains about the unbearable heat.

The heat also lifts moisture into towering, photogenic clouds. And whatever goes up, must come down. Some as "dry rain," properly known as virga:

But the rains have also blessed us this past week with more rainbows than you could shake a stick at. Here are a few:

"Sure hope it cools down. 's been over 80 every day for more'n'a week, just too darned hot..."


  1. Guess they got their wish... 61 degrees at 3 pm (on Bastille Day). Nice rainbow in the west, this morning - didn't have my camera though. Thanks for sharing your rainbows!

  2. Pat
    I was up on 'notellum' creek yesterday afternoon, and got chased out again by a thunder and lightning display. But, I got a couple nice rainbows on drys, one around 14", right near the small dirt parking area. I was going to hike down to where you went before the storm came up.

  3. We've had 80's and rain, too, but I haven't seen any rainbows. You had some beauties!

  4. Wow!! That is a lot of rainbows!
    Remember how much you are complaining about the heat, next winter, when it is colder than belief! That is what I tell myself as I move from one air conditioned space to another...

  5. Beautiful!!! Montana...another place we'll be visitin' some day.

  6. Beautiful rainbows.

    80 to me is the ideal temperature - warm, but not too warm.

  7. Hi There, Just checking in on you!!! Hope you all are all doing fine. We just took (June) a 3 week trip out west (Grand Canyon, etc.)... Awesome. Didn't get to your area though. Maybe someday we will...

    Love the rainbows!!!!
