18 November 2011

Skywatch Friday: Big Sky Montana indeed

A few pics from the season's adventures for my non-hunting friends who wouldn't like the dead-animal pics on the next post.

Prairie bench country along the Madison River "(buffalo jump, where First Peoples ran bison over the cliffs), where the land meets the sky:

A ranch along the Big Hole River, ready for feeding cattle through the long winter with those many bales of hay:

 A view of the Boulder Batholith (white granite outcrops) just south of Butte Montana:

 And skies clearing over Big Butte (view from my home in Walkerville):

We've picked up a good bit of snow since these photos were taken, but the snow pics can wait until next week. Happy Evacuation Day and Thanksgiving to my American friends and readers!


  1. Impressive mountains and your personal view. Must be great to wake up to every morning.

  2. Fantastic captures and they sure brought back memories of the years I lived in Montana! It is an incredible place! Hope you have a great weekend!


  3. Big sky indeed! These photos are great.

  4. Now, this looks different. I take it prairie bench is like a butte?

  5. Just catching up on all your recent posts. Obviously your having a great time. I bow hunted white tails here for a few years but was really really bad at. We spent three weeks in Oct visiting son and family in their new Arizona (near Mesa) abode. Then back, flying this time, for two weeks over the holidays.

  6. Looks like you had a successful hunting season! Winter is definitely upon us now. Have a great Thanksgiving!

  7. Do the hay bales routinely get covered there? Not as common here, but I love the looks of round bales covered with a dusting of snow - they look like frosted shredded wheat.

  8. Catching up with you - I haven't been here in a while. I just finished reading the latest of Jean Auel's Earth's Children books, so my views of hunting and roaming the earth have mellowed more.
    So that is what a buffalo jump looks like...
