29 December 2011

Skywatch Friday: Montana Holiday Skies

The holidays (and low southern sun angles with the solstice) have brought us some outstanding views here in the Big Sky State, especially as seen from my home in Walkerville (on the hill above Butte America). Whether looking east:

Or southwest into the fading light, it's been a real show:

Add to that the great feasts, like the Vigil (Christmas Eve) fest when Mrs Rover served her own version of Grandma Jean Vigliotti's "Feast of the Seven Fishes":

'Tis the season for entertainment, too--like taking in local favorite Mountain Moongrass folk group at the Silver Dollar Saloon:

And (to work off all this feasting), some epic cross country ski treks around the trails at The Moulton and Mill Creek Pass (aka "Mt Haggin") areas. Here's daughter Emily (accompanied by Bernardo, a local stray; sadly, MollyTheDog ripped her belly open on a barb wire fence and is recuperating) slipping out of her sweater for the long climb up the Little California Creek trail:

Near the top, we pause at the old Anaconda Copper Mining Company logging cabins for a few bites of mule deer jerky:

And to take in the nice views to Mt Haggin and other peaks of the Pintler Mountain range across the Deep Creek valley:

Soon, it's time to start the run down. Hmmm.... wonder why they call this part of the trail "Death Dip"?:

Oh, that's why! (nice snowplow technique):

OK, time to straighten those skis out and ZOOM:

One last stop to take in the view up to Spire Rock before we make for the truck:

Happy New Year, everyone!


  1. Awesome skies and terrific captures! I always love the drama of Montana's skies! Gorgeous colors! Hope you had a great Christmas and wishing you and yours a very Happy New Year!


  2. Gorgeous skies and looks like a balanced week !

  3. Breathtaking sky shots. Awesome pics of snow & log cabin.Did I spot a St.Bernard in one of the pics? Handsome creature!

  4. What a show off sky!
    It looks like your celebrating went well,
    and I hope you have an wonderful New Years, too.

  5. I have been looking back to my old post, and notice we had not been visiting each other. How are you?

    You were very brave to ski at the death dip. Did anyone actually ski off the slope? In New Zealand, we have tourists who don't follow the rules, and what a lot of trouble they cause.

    A happy 2012 to you.

  6. You certainly know how to party, on and off the ski slopes. Love the stray (St.Bernhardt X??), just the right type of dog to have around when out in the snow. Especially if he had a barrel of brandy slung from his neck.

    Great skies, great country.

    All the very best for the coming year and all success on your Chinese venture.

  7. I love the colours and the clouds in that second capture! Looks like you had a great time, though!@!

  8. Gorgeous skies. A very Happy New Year to you!

  9. Your family celebrated well: great food, beautiful skies, surviving Death's Dip ski slope! It looks like great fun was had by all including the beautiful St. Bernard!
    Wishing you and your family a wonderful New Year!
    ~ Maria

  10. Beautiful skies and photos. The mountains are gorgeous. I loved visiting Montana and Wyoming, they are beautiful states. I hope Molly's belly is healed, she is a pretty dog. Great photos, happy skywatching!
