01 December 2011

Skywatch Friday: winter skies over Montana

Though we're not quite at the Winter Solstice, the low sun angle, short days, and first sub-zero weather mark our transition from fall to winter here in Butte America. The season also brings spectacular skies, sometimes in the form of colorful sunrises with weird cloud formations:

Or sunrises with bizarre colors and cool clouds:

After a snowstorm passes through, it is usually followed by cold, clear skies--blue so bright it brings tears:

Sometimes, at sunset, the Butte valley is filled with a rosy light and super sharp views in the crisp air:

Like the light, our local ravens also take on a new nature for the season. A local mated pair commonly croaks outside my office window (and I croak back--they seem to like that), but on this day as I walked outside for a break one of them came down for a personal "Howdy":

Maybe it was the raven's way of thanking me for the pile of bones and other butchering "recycle material" in the back of my pickup?


  1. Wow. Those are some spectacular and unusually colored skies, Pat. Each time I see your posts, I'm reminded of my wish that son and family had moved north to Montana instead of ending up on the Mexican border. Oh well. We're head off to the desert for Christmas. I'm dreaming of a white....

  2. What spectacular captures for the day, Pat! The first two look like a whale coming over the mountains! Incredible colors and what a wonderful variety!! Hope you have a great weekend!


  3. Fantastic skies! Oh, my! Really, really stunning.

    And I always fancy a close encounter with any bird and love that you talk back to them.

  4. Nice pictures,
    Greetings from Norway

  5. Wow your photos are so beautiful! That cloud is like moving too. ^_^


  6. Wow, it does look cold but I love your clouds.

  7. Excellent shots. I think my favorite is the frosty plants against the bright blue sky.

  8. What marvellous skies!

  9. Only 20 more days until I'm back in Montana - thanks for the winter taste, Pat!

  10. I like the snow-coated trees. From a distance. :-)

  11. Sorry I missed these wonderful skies last week, the colours are really fantastic.
