03 June 2009

Skywatch Friday: Montana's June Rainy Season

In the old days, when Butte America (aka Butte, Montana) was a mining town, the miners sat in the bars, drank their Shawn O'Farrells, and bet on how many days it would rain in June. Usually, 29 or 30 (out of 31) won the pool. Since Global Warming, much of the rain has shifted to May, and we don't get so much of it. Still, there's nothing like a cold front that lowers the temperature from 80 deg F to 40 deg F in a few hours to remind you that it's Springtime in the Rockies:

Come July, we'll go weeks or months and barely see a cloud dot the brilliant blue skies, so we'll take all the rain we can get right now. It greens up the hills for all the hungry creatures, like this Bighorn Sheep (framed by the mountains of the Pintler Wilderness):

And it makes for gorgeous sunsets (this is a view to the Northeast, not the West!):


  1. we had rain, high winds, and hail Wednesday, most of the day, here at 7000 feet, in southern Calif.

  2. Nice color in the third one, more "big sky" Montana.

  3. Awesome, I really like the third one!

  4. From 80 to 40 in a short time???? WOOOO--that is a huge change, EC.

    What is your favorite month out there? July sounds incredible to me!!!!

    Love your sky pictures. Thanks!!

  5. ER: What a neat set of captures, so unusual to think of snow still on the mountain.

  6. Love your third photo with the orange skies. Very soft colors.

  7. The last image is absolutely gorgeous

  8. Don't you find that sometimes the best sunsets are in the eastern sky... as strange as that seems? And this afternoon... I believe a tornado in Montana!!!

  9. Beautiful, beautiful photos!

  10. And I say to my self... it's a wonderful world! =)

    Beautiful photos and wonderful landscape.

  11. Lovely sky shots and big horn sheep.

  12. Catching up. Great posts Eco. I do like especially to tag along on your hikes! Now about that stream where the brookies swim....

  13. It is always nice to look at mountain with snow on and the beautiful pink sky,

    Maria Berg, with the man made road to heaven.

  14. Beautiful 'Big Sky' shots. I didn't knw the rain came like that in the mountains. Interesting. So, I guess you have a fire worry there, as well.

  15. We like the Sheep! Nice photo!
