14 January 2010

Back on Skis

My nasty knee cut came at a really good time. The snow wasn't too good yet, there was some intitial tear-out/plumbing/electrical work to be done on the kitchen, and I had a major report due to a federal agency (website to launch soon!). But ten days after my wreck, I couldn't stand it anymore. So, outfitted with new boots:

And kneepads (my backcountry/tele skier friend Rick has told me for years I should wear these):

I was ready to go. The road we ski to get to The Moulton's trails is icy, so I am glad for the kneepads! I think the water is springing from the ground because of the logging and widespread lodgepole pine die-off in the area. Those trees used to drink a lot of water:

I am taking it easy, sticking to some of the intermediate trails. It's been nice to rediscover the joys of some of the trails that I just haven't skied much in recent years, like the aptly named Nugget loop:

Feels good to be back on snow. Mrs Rover uses a treadmill in winter, and lots of folks just don't like to exercise in the cold. For me, the feeling of being outside is the feeling of being real, alive, and part of the natural world.


  1. keep warm & have a great weekend!
    Come watch the sky with me!
    Happy Weekend ahead!


  2. I'm always so torn - I hate cold but I love being outside. Our temps got into the high 40's yesterday and I was thrilled to be out walking again.

  3. ER - It's good to see you're able to get back on the skis again. The amount of water coming up in that lodgepole forest at this time of year is amazing.

  4. Bilbo Baggins' thoughts on The Road as described by Frodo in Lord of the Rings: "He used often to say there was only one Road; that it was like a great river: its springs were at every doorstep, and every path was its tributary. 'It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out of your door,' he used to say. 'You step onto the Road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to.'"

  5. The new boots look good, and the knee pads seem like a good idea - anything to prevent an injury.
    Surprising to see ice on the ski track. We have had very little melting and/or refreezing, but we don't have any fresh snow. Maybe next week...
    Glad you're back in action.
