14 January 2010

Our Old Yellow Kitchen

Poor Mrs Rover. When we bought our house in Walkerville, Montana, the only thing she REALLY didn't like about it was the kitchen. Our yellow kitchen. Every house we had ever owned or rented had a yellow kitchen. What's with that? Adding insult to injury, it was an old, drab, yellow kitchen. Don't even ask about the wallpaper. The cookstove was original to the house (1914) and that was cool:

But check out that washer and dryer next to the stove--our only "counter" space. Cupboards? Oh yeah, one: a little tin box above the cast iron sink:

We made do, in part with a nice old cupboard that was also original to the house:

In the 20 years we've been in the house, we did some major improvements. To other rooms: carpeting & wallpaper for the parlor; a new hardwood floor & tilework & cool patterned paint job for the dining room; some paint & TLC upstairs; a new parking pad in the backyard; a new roof... But the kitchen? Nada.

So bring it on, 2010. Our friend Ben is custom building solid hickory cabinets and will install them & the countertops (which Mrs Rover is gradually zeroing in on). He'll do whatever else is required for the walls, too. Plumbing, gas and wiring are my job (there goes my weekend skiing for the next month or two). Floor tiles and lighting will be my job (there goes my May/June troutfishing!).

Losing a few weekends of skiing? Forty-three units of EcoRover pain. Losing spring troutfishing? Seventy-eight units of EcoRover pain. Making Mrs Rover happy with a new kitchen? PRICELESS!


  1. I love the look of that cookstove. What kind of fuel does it burn?

  2. I'll drink to your maths. just think how long her happiness and your clear cosciene will last against a bunch of weekends missing out on some personal gratification. I love your stove!

  3. Even though it is kind of cool and quaint, I completely understand thw need for a remodel. I did the same thing with my fifties house in 2008: http://incognitoagent.blogspot.com/2008/02/absurdly-fast-kitchen-remodel.html

  4. I do love that old stove, but agree that it is time that Mrs. Rover got a updated kitchen. Don't forget to show us the finished job.

  5. Hey, you've got the right husband attitude. I like that, and I'm sure Mrs. Eco is impressed, too.
    Good luck with the remodel. You'll have to show us the "after" pictures.

  6. It looks kinda quaint, in a "but I couldn't really use it" way! I would love to see your new renos in due course.
